How to consume Copr messages

Listening on fedora-messaging bus

Fedora Copr instance sends messages to fedora-messaging AMQP bus, which makes the messages available to general public. The simplest way to consume Copr messages from command-line is:

$ fedora-messaging \
        --conf /etc/fedora-messaging/fedora.toml \
        consume --routing-key '#.copr.#' \
        --callback copr_messaging.fedora:Printer \
build_chroot_started(): Copr Message in project "loveshack/livhpc": build 958843: chroot "fedora-29-x86_64" started.
build_chroot_started(): Copr Message in project "loveshack/livhpc": build 958843: chroot "fedora-30-x86_64" started.
build_chroot_started(): Copr Message in project "loveshack/livhpc": build 958843: chroot "fedora-29-ppc64le" started.
build_chroot_ended(): Copr Message in project "decathorpe/xmlunit-pr": build 958393: chroot "fedora-rawhide-x86_64" ended as "failed".
build_chroot_started(): Copr Message in project "decathorpe/xmlunit-pr": build 958381: chroot "fedora-rawhide-x86_64" started.

One can make more customized consumer class by inheriting from the abstract Consumer class:

$ cat
from copr_messaging import fedora
class Consumer(fedora.Consumer):
    def build_chroot_ended(self, message):
        print(message) # or anything else with BuildChrootEnded object!
    def build_chroot_started(self, message):
        print(message) # BuildChrootStarted object
$ PYTHONPATH=`pwd` fedora-messaging \
    --conf /etc/fedora-messaging/fedora.toml \
    consume --callback consumer:Consumer --routing-key '#.copr.#'

See copr_messaging.schema.BuildChrootStarted and copr_messaging.schema.BuildChrootEnded for more info about the message API.

Listening on STOMP bus

This part doesn’t apply to Fedora Copr instance, so check that your instance publishes on STOMP bus first.

Similarly to copr_messaging.fedora.Consumer, there’s copr_messaging.stomp.Consumer class having the same user API (share the base class):

$ cat
#! /usr/bin/python3

import stomp
from copr_messaging.stomp import Consumer

class Listener(Consumer):
    def build_chroot_ended(self, message):
        # message is of BuildChrootStarted type
        print(message) # or do anything else!

c = stomp.Connection(...)
c.set_listener('', Consumer())
# check where your copr publishes
c.subscribe('/queue/Consumer.copr.**', 3)